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So, Um, What Happens to Mitt Romney's Promotional Products?

Romney Ryan Unisex TeeImagine an election without signage, buttons, t-shirts and similar items. Can you do it? Yeah, we can't either. Promotional products are a must-have on the campaign trail, every candidate was selling some form of swag (including a few odd items) in order to advertise their brand and message.

So, what happens if you're someone like Mitt Romney and your campaign loses? What happens to all of his promotional products when the race is over?

According to Businessweek, "Unsold clothes are typically recycled for the fiber or sold for cheap overseas. By Christmas, many Latin Americans may be sporting Romney gear."

Yet, as of this posting, Romney's promotional products are still online at full retail price on MittRomney.com with proceeds going to the joint fundraising committee Romney for President, Inc. and various other Republican groups.

If you're interested, they're offering free shipping for a limited time only.